God Bless Our Troops

Saturday, September 27, 2008 - Week 1 - Day 3

It's foggy out again today. I have 2 days of cycle one behind me. I was reading the book again last night and in it Wendy says that there is very little wiggle room in week 1. I think I may have wiggled too much. I did stay under 20 carbs, but I have not been getting in the 70 ounces of water I need. Apparently if the body doesn't get enough water it messes up the chemical thing that week one is supposed to accomplish. Of course "Mary Ann" jumped on that and said,

. . . . . . . . . . "See? See? Let's start all over on Sunday. Let's go get those M&Ms!"
. . . . . . . . . .
To which I replied,

. . . . . . . . . ."nope, not gonna happen."

I'm just going to keep plugging away, fixing my mistakes, but I will extend week one until next Sunday. I ought to be good and depleted of glycogen by then, dontcha think?

I am still feeling pretty good today. No "induction flu" yet. The sticks are turning purple and my mouth feels yucky.

My stats for today:
Type: Outside
Route: Deadend and back
Time: 30 minutes
Average heart rate: 117
Maximum heart rate: 133

Down 1.8 from last Saturday

Today's walk was great. It's mild out and the sun is shining. It was still a bit hazy when I took this picture, but aren't I the blessed one to have this kind of view for my walk? I got started a little late and when I got home, Anna was just leaving. She left off a sample of the mulling spices that we will be selling at the craft shows this fall.

This week I have to get our products priced, organized, and ready to go. I ordered our new shirts, but am not entirely sure they will be ready for next week's show. I'm hoping, but I waited to long too take them up to Screen 'n Stitch. They said they would do their best. Next time I need to not procrastinate so long!

Word of the day


Lk 9:43b-45
While they were all amazed at his every deed, Jesus said to his disciples, “Pay attention to what I am telling you. The Son of Man is to be handed over to men.” But they did not understand this saying; its meaning was hidden from them so that they should not understand it, and they were afraid to ask him about this saying.

Thoughts from the cornfield:
Sometimes it helps to understand a passage by putting it in the context from which it is taken. These words by Jesus take place after he has expelled a demon from a child. The disciples don't ask Jesus to explain what he means in saying that the Son of Man will be handed over to men. Sometimes you just don't want to know. I think on some spiritual level they knew exactly what he was saying and didn't want it confirmed. But then in typical fashion, the world again inserts itself and the disciples begin to argue about who will be first in the Kingdom. As my boss used to say, "hmph, some people's kids!"

God bless the troops!

1 comment:

mariasol said...

Hey, 1.8 pounds for a week is great! To me, the most important is to find a plan I can live on. What's the point if you can't stick to it? Best of luck!