God Bless Our Troops

Tuesday, September 30, 2008 - Week 1 - Day 6 and Kimkins Rant

I'd like to start this morning by commenting on the latest events in the Heidi Diaz - Kimkins debacle. I don't spend a lot of time on Kimkins here on the blog because so many other bloggers have put it so much more eloquently and thoroughly than I ever could. However, as a veteran of the Lowcarb Friends board, having been there when the Almighty Heidi was holding court and snarking at anyone who dared to disagree with her highness, I am amazed that anything she does can still surprise me. Here is a woman who lured thousands of people to her website with the hope that they, too, could achieve fantastic losses on her diet. (Which, by the way, was an anorexic bastardization of the work of 2 prominent lowcarb phyisicians - Dr. Atkins and Dr. Stillman. )

Kimkins was featured in June of 2007 in a national magazine - Woman's World, which apparently has no more scruples than Ms. Diaz - and which attracted people who were willing to fork over $70 to learn how to starve themselves into looking like the woman in the magazine. The problem was, the woman in the magazine was not Heidi Diaz. The picture was stolen from a Russian Bride site. The hilarious thing is that the Russian bride who appeared in Woman's World was a totally different Russian Bride than the one Heidi had posted on her site. Heidi never lost weight. Never. The huge loss that she said she maintained for over 5 years was a lie. That's the gist of the story.

For those of us who have followed this whole thing from years ago when Heidi was a presence on the Lowcarb Friends board, the entire story takes more twists and turns than any fiction writer could dream up. Heidi has been in litigation for the last year defending her anorexic plan. Now she is trying to turn the tables and sue the women who exposed her for what she was, and most of whom suffered serious consequences for their belief in this "lying liar who lies. " It would be laughable if it weren't so sad. She is also suing the Lowcarb Friends board - an entity which allowed her a forum on which to spout her garbage. One has to wonder about a lawyer who would take on a case such as this. Defense is one thing, but this counter-suit is nothing short of obscene.

Enough of that. What goes around comes around.

Check out some of the blogs I have listed over to the right hand side of this page or, if you have a few spare hours, you can read the entire saga here starting here: http://www.lowcarbfriends.com/bbs/kimkins/502606-


Oh wow! I woke up this morning to a huge whoosh on the scale. I should have seen it coming because I was dumping a lot of water yesterday. I feel really good. None of the sugar drop symptoms have appeared yet. Tomorrow is my last day on cycle 1. Wendy promises that once I get through this first week, the "diet" is over and a new lifestyle begins. I will be interested to see how the next seven weeks plays out. However, as I said at the beginning of this, my commitment if today and today only. Each day in its time.

My internet is running like a turtle today. I worked on some more stocking orders last night. I'm a little dismayed that we haven't had more traffic from Country Sampler. The hits we've had bounced right away. I saw the magazine in Walmart on Sunday, so it is out. I sure hope we at least recoup the cost of the ad. But it may be early yet. On the other hand, other traffic sources are doing well - especially Ebay. I've never had this many orders this early in the season before.

Type: Walk/jog
Route: Deadend and back
Time: 23 minutes
Average heart rate: 124
Maximum heart rate: 143

Down 4.8 from last Tuesday (whoo hoo!)

Great walk this morning! As I got to the corner I was greeted by shouts from my little cuties - the joys of living next door to your grandkids. Clay yelled out, "are you coming to visit us?" That was hard to pass up. Come retirement, I won't have to.

I think a pre-workout protein shake is going to be the norm from now on. I didn't really notice a difference yesterday, but yesterday was the first time I ever took weights on the road. But today? Wow! It made a huge difference as you can see from my stats.

I have to go in early to work today, but it's just an hour early.

Word of the day:

Memorial of Saint Jerome, priest and doctor of the Church


Lk 9:51-56
When the days for Jesus to be taken up were fulfilled,
he resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem,
and he sent messengers ahead of him.
On the way they entered a Samaritan village
to prepare for his reception there,
but they would not welcome him
because the destination of his journey was Jerusalem.
When the disciples James and John saw this they asked,
“Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven
to consume them?”
Jesus turned and rebuked them,
and they journeyed to another village.

Thoughts from the cornfield:
It was odd the Jesus and his disciples should be passing through Samaria on the way to the temple. This was a town that Jews avoided like the plague. There is an invitation occurring here. In entering the Samaritan village when all others would avoid it is an example of Jesus "reaching across the aisle" as it were. The disciples, who still haven't figured out the kind of Messiah with whom they were travelling, wanted to wreak destruction on these people. This is clearly above and beyond the "eye for an eye" teachings of the Scriptures at the time, because though the Samaritans did not welcome them, neither did they do them harm. No friendship was fostered in Samaria that day, but a seed may have been planted. We never know what kind of fruit our actions will bear, therefore it is good to think of this passage before acting. The world pays much more attention to what Christians do than to what Christians say. Jesus did much more than preach the Word - he was the Word.

God bless our troops!

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